07570 602 389 [email protected]


NLP – Is a set of tools for personal change and development. It offers powerful ways to create goals, reach them faster and with greater ease; to resolve work or personal issues, reduce stress or accompany change.

NLP stands for Neuro-Linguistic Programming.

Neuro – Is the way the brain processes information through our senses and nervous system.

Linguistic – Is the use of language and communication both verbal and non-verbal that we use to represent the information that we process.

Programming – Relates to our actions/behaviours (the programmes we run in our mind). Through repetition certain thoughts, habits, actions and behaviour patterns (including unhelpful ones), are ‘programmed’ into our brains and now run there, just as software programmes run on a computer. With NLP we can remove unwanted thoughts and behaviours patterns and replace them with new more helpful and productive ones extremely quickly.

NLP was created in the 1970’s by Richard Bandler and John Grinder. They studied the work of therapists who achieved amazing results, such as Milton Erickson and Virginia Satir to find out why what they did worked. They also studied people who had resolved their own problems to find the common factors of the solutions, so they could teach this to other people enabling them to achieve the same successful results.

Over the years these techniques have been refined and developed, and NLP has become renowned for its speed and success at eliminating and resolving a vast array of problems. Our brains learn extremely quickly, we can develop a phobia from just one brief exposure to a frightening situation; but as quickly it can be removed.

NLP works on the basis that all behaviour has a structure, and as such it can be changed. Once we understand how the brain represents a certain experience, we can then change the structure of its representation.

With NLP we can changes the way we think, how we communicate with ourselves and others, and how we act. We can regain control of our thoughts and feelings, delete unwanted behaviours and install new positive ones.

Here is a list of issues I can help with using NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming):

  • Anxiety – Stress – Panic
  • Anger – Frustration – Irrational guilt
  • Depressive Thoughts/Feelings
  • PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder)
  • Trauma – Grief
  • Fears – Phobias – Fear of flying – Fear of public speaking
  • Exam nerves – Driving test nerves – Interview nerves
  • Insomnia
  • Stop smoking
  • Addictions – Habits – Obsessions
  • Self esteem – Self sabotaging behaviour
  • Weight loss – Food cravings and addictions
  • Increase confidence/motivation
  • Performance enhancement

‘….I saw the results instantly …and I felt empowered and ready for challenge… Louise x